“…At Eloise’s Cooking Pot, the number of those seeking food is up while funding and food donations have decreased, according to founder and director Ahndrea Blue. About 500 new deliveries were just added this week.

“It’s crazy,” she said. “We usually see 19,000 people a month and within three weeks we’ve had a 75 percent increase.”

To accommodate social distancing and help keep everyone safe, the food bank switched to deliveries and drive-up service, which is important to keep people off the street as much as possible, and a walk-up service is available across the street.

“We’re committed to being here,” Blue said, and she praised the volunteers that are there putting themselves at risk so that people can get fed. She said the community at large has been generous as well.

“We are so lucky and beyond blessed. Yesterday I put out a call for hand sanitizer and masks and this community is amazing. People showed up to share what they have. I’ve been in awe. We have employees from companies that are down right now helping with deliveries – a mortgage broker with a huge truck, a pilot who’s helping us… I’ve been so touched.”

Eloise’s Cooking Pot offers a variety of items including dog and cat food, diapers, wipes, books, meat, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, milk, drinks and snacks and more. Not everything is available every day, as donations change, but the food bank does its best to stock items most in need.

The food bank is open Sunday 1-4 p.m.; Monday 1:30-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; closed Wednesday and Thursday. A big need right now is for volunteers. Sign up at www.themadf.orgwhere donations can also be made to purchase food.”


Via Tacoma Weekly.