The Joy Box Ministry provides encouraging spiritual gifts to uplift the soul of individuals who are going through challenging times in their life. Each person receives an anonymous box with five personal letters written to them and five wrapped gifts. Each day, the individual is instructed to read one letter and open one gift.
The purpose of the box is to encourage and uplift the person while they are going through their situation, letting them know they are not alone and that God loves them and is with them through this time. Since its inception, the Joy Box Ministry has sent out thousands of gift boxes throughout the United States and to numerous other countries. The boxes are free of charge and funded through Making A Difference Foundation.
To request a Joy Box for someone, please fill out the form below, including your name and email address for future correspondence along with the recipient’s name and address.
Read Before You Request a Joybox
Request a Joy Box for someone
Applications for the Joybox program are currently closed; check back later for updates!
Thank you for your cooperation.