Veterans Day
(Why we celebrate?)

In a world of war and civil unrest, an often forgotten and under-appreciated aspect of our lives is the American Veteran.  We are all, if even indirectly, affected by the actions of the heroic soldiers that take to the battlefield in pursuit of our freedom and liberty.  On November 11 each year, history affords us the opportunity to give our thanks.

(Did you know?)

President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Veterans Day on November 11, 1919 which was called Armistice Day.  It was to celebrate the lives and honor the memories of those brave soldiers who lost their lives in WWI.  But as time progressed, Congress wanted Armistice Day to be more encompassing of all Veterans.  While Armistice Day celebrated the memories of WWI soldiers, in 1926 Calvin Coolidge issued a proclamation that made Armistice Day a National Holiday to celebrate world peace.  But in 1945, the end of WWII, another proclamation was added to honor all Veterans historical and current.  Memorial Day is the day to honor memories of fallen soldiers.  Veterans Day celebrates both the memories of the fallen and service of the present day soldiers.  In 1954, the word Armistice was replaced with Veterans.

Homes for Veterans
(Our part in making a difference)

Life after the military is considered to be one of the most difficult adjustments that a military veteran has to face.  Sometimes even greater than going off to the battlefield.  Their lives are typically focused and directed towards military obligations and operations.  And for the typical soldier not holding a rank of officer, discharging from the military and returning to civilian life can be especially challenging.  Now imagine making that transition with the burden of a family’s needs on their list of responsibilities.  Finding a job can be difficult, especially in today’s economy.  So the daily task of providing food and shelter can be a daunting task for someone not involved in civilian life for an extended period of time.

That’s where the Making a Difference Foundation wants to help.  Our Homes for Veterans program is a pilot program aimed at making that transition back to civilian life a bit easier for our returning veterans.  We seek to provide homes for Veterans who are facing the prospect of being homeless.  Given their sacrifice and service for our country, no Veteran should have to face such pressure.  We are currently trying to identify and provide support to any Veteran who is facing homelessness.   Not only are we trying to provide a home, but also to provide an environment for success in the community.

To the veterans in Making A Difference Foundation’s Homes for Veterans program, thank you for allowing us to serve you and make a difference in your life. Thank you for serving our country. We salute you!